August’s Book of the Month: Plus by Sabrina B. Scales
Episode 8 below. Contains Spoilers if you haven’t read this book. Continue to the review for what we thought of Plus.
He was born into the struggle, a place where love was sometimes considered a luxury and most certainly couldn’t be taken for granted. Being the sole provider of his household before he was old enough to get a job, it was no surprise that he maintained that position when super stardom landed at his door…Kenny
She was born into the struggle, a place where abandonment was just one of the many things that could fall into your path. She learned early on that it was her responsibility to protect herself, and sometimes the ones she loved. In her eyes, pain was not a thing to be shared. It was better managed alone. And the weight of it, though crippling, was hers to carry and no one else’s…Tashena
They were born into the struggle, separated by a few blocks of concrete and heavy doses of pain, somehow finding their way back to each other after life and its perils pushed them apart. The truth needed to be told before either of their hearts could mend. Healing was needed on both ends before reception was an option. Trust needed to be established before love was a possibility. Such heavy burdens to bare for souls that were already carrying too much.
Plus, a story of love…through the struggle.
Get your copy of Plus here
Bridgette’s Review
McKinley is definitely my type of guy! When he does share his feelings it’s nothing but honesty, love it. This story could have gone another way with all the turmoil but I’m glad it didn’t. I was happy to see they made it in the end, they needed this.
Telicia’s Review
The story delivery was amazing. It made me angry, sad, not respect a few characters. It felt so real. I like that several of my guesses were wrong, it wasn’t easy to see what was coming next.
I liked how everything came together. I didn’t feel complete by the ending, maybe it’ll be a part two. It was also several typos and I’m not a super English grammar person, so for me to mention it, it was bad.
Renée’s Review
Plus hit hard. The story was well told about two people who internally struggle from their past. Tashena was a strong single mother with a secret that could tear her world apart. At the same time, it was something that could also free her from holding on to it for so long.
Kenny aka Plus had even darker secrets that he too held onto for so long. Being a famous rap star, his business was everyone’s business, and he did a great job keeping things under wraps. But even he couldn’t control what other people around him did.
In the end, nothing mattered, but these two childhood friends coming together despite all the pain they’ve experienced. Tashena’s stubborn behind couldn’t accept love at first for possibly fear of being open. But Kenny was not shy about what he wanted, and Tashena was at the top of that list.
I love their story because it shows how people can overcome so much heartache through love. Broken things can be fixed if a person is willing to heal. I think it’s a lesson many people can get from Tashena and Kenny’s story.
There are so many cute moments between the two of them and much more serious topics such as molestation, teen pregnancy, parental neglect, etc. Sabrina B. Scales touched on a lot of issues that people deal with in so many communities. Even with that, love came through for this couple.