About Us

We want to create something for people who look like us and for those who love to read about people who look like us. The three of us enjoy reading in many genres and as long as the story is good, so are we. 

The title comes from the three of us living in different time zones. Telicia is in Colorado, Renee is in Houston, and Bridgette is in Georgia. We have to be mindful when we communicate. We are all from Houston, Tx, and we are actual family. 

Life caused each of us to live away from the huge family we have back in Houston. Renée finally moved back after braving Minnesota winters for four years.

You will also witness our genuine chemistry as we get to spend time with one another for this podcast.  

Choosing to start a book review podcast came about when Renée published her first book. There weren’t many sites or platforms that she could introduce her work. We wanted to do something about it. 

It’s a small start, but one day we wish to bring light to many new authors and spread some love for the vets in the industry. Some authors we will read are new to us even if they are well-known to the world. In that sense, it’s organically chosen content that we want to know more for ourselves. 

We will begin reading what the three of us agree to read and not by request of authors. This site and podcast is a fun opportunity for us to get back into the habit of reading, but to also share our thoughts by delving into discussions about the stories. 

So, with that, Same Book, 3 Time Zones is a place to find a new author or hear honest opinions about popular books or debuts. Simply reading great stories and talking about them like no one is listening. So, if we seem goofy, it’s because we forgot we were recording lol. 


Meet the ladies of Same Book, 3 Time Zones!

Telicia Hammonds

I joined the military right out of high school. I’m a mother of three daughters.

I fell in love with reading at a young age. My childhood wasn’t the greatest and reading let me get away from what was going on. I was in 6th grade when I started reading, I have read mostly love stories. At that time of my life, I enjoyed a happy ending.

Now happy endings are nice, but it isn’t the first thing I look for. I enjoy it when I can’t tell what’s going to happen next and also when it feels real. I love seeing my similarities and differences from others so being apart of a book club & seeing what others think & expressing what I think will be fun for me.


Renee A. Moses

I’m a wife, mother, and author. It took me forever to finally stop playing around and start my writing career.

I was a late bloomer when it came to reading for leisure. I preferred hanging out with my friends or watching movies until one day, I believe the summer after graduating from high school, I got bored. 

My mom had a bookshelf full of romance novels by Danielle Steel and other authors with covers that didn’t interest me. Then I saw this book that was shorter than the tall books surrounding it. I picked it up and began reading. It was called The Coldest Winter Ever. I’m sure you’ve heard of it 🙂

From there, reading became my best friend. Every weekend, I’d take on another story. Her collection consisted of Zane, Sistah Soulja, Mary Monroe, and Eric Jerome Dickey. Once I finished all of my mom’s books that had black characters, I started buying my own. 

I can admit that I fell off with reading once I became a wife and mother. Now, I am falling in love all over again with these new authors (at least to me) that are so good, I want to talk about it. And that’s exactly what I plan to do. 

Bridgette Gethers

I was born and raised in H-Town! I have been married for 22 years with two adult children, currently living in Augusta, GA.

I began my love for reading in 1992. A few of the books on my bookcase are The Shack, 50 Shades of Gray series, and my #1 and #2 Two Lefts, One Right and Making a Hard Right by Renee A. Moses.