Book of the Month 2023,  Podcast Episodes

November’s Book of the Month: To Be Loved by Bree Wright

Below is Episode 58 and our reviews. It’s full of spoilers.



You never really appreciate what you have until it’s gone… or almost gone. For three years, Anya Kennedy-Moore and Kieran Moore have been married. On the outside looking in, Anya and Kieran were the perfect, successful couple. They had the money and the status. They were the true definition of “relationship-goals.”

Once the cameras turned off and the public eye went to sleep, behind closed doors they both lived a different life. The love they portrayed was business and business only. It had been that way since their parents proposed that the two get married. Anya lived her own life and Kieran lived his. But when tragedy strikes for Anya, Kieran is the only person there to help her through her trauma. Is it possible that feelings will start to surface, or are the two trauma-bonding?