Book of the Month 2023

June’s Book of the Month: Pick Up Your Feelings by Kimberly Brown

Below is Episode 53 and our reviews. It’s full of spoilers.

Bleu Levell is cautious with her heart these days. After unknowingly having children with a married man, she’s recovering from heartbreak and betrayal. With her children’s father locked up on gun charges, Bleu has thrown herself into work and motherhood. It wasn’t until she meets photographer, O’Shea Boulware, her massage client, that she considers opening her heart to love again.

Tables turn when her ex, Isaiah, is suddenly released and looking to get that old thing back. His possessive nature won’t allow him to let Bleu go so easily, even with his wife in his back pocket. Even with years between them, he still loves Bleu and is willing to pay the ultimate price to have her.

What happens when obsession turns deadly? Join this trio’s journey of love, betrayal, revenge, and redemption as the drama unfolds.


Telicia’s Review

I love that I couldn’t guess what would happen next, for the most part. It was also realistic. People really are crazy. These characters literally kept me stressed, thinking some of my fav characters would get killed. Just imagine a little animal taunting a lion. Bleu and O’Shea are the little animals & Isaiah is the lion. Isaiah was SCARY!!! Then, Bleu confused me, like, have you moved on or not? Oh, then, seeing these two twins be so different reminded me of my children. It was a super sweet one that’s nice to people even if they are mean to them 🥹, then it was a speak-yo-mind twin that just told it like it was.


Bridgette’s Review

Loved It!

I enjoyed this one. It kept me guessing until the end, well, except for that one little thing :). I loved how upfront and open O’Shea was. He knew what he wanted and set out to get it. I liked how all the friends were able to click and hang. Now Genesis was my road dog, lol. She did not play hunty. Gen called it like it was and was not sorry for it.

Great read!
